Career Counselling by Sanjib Sanghi
Presided by CA. Sanjib Sanghi, Vice- Chairman, EIRC-ICAI, Kolkata, today’s career counselling session on “Chartered Accountancy- Global Career- Endless Opportunities”, has been immensely successful as the conclave took into account diverse areas of higher studies and career opportunities that the discipline of commerce entails. Mr. Sanghi spoke at length about the emergent professions, like data analysis, that have added feathers to the cap of chartered accountants in the recent times and exemplified the same with successful businessmen who made significant marks using it in the current scenario. The session emphasized on the endless opportunities that chartered accountancy is creating in both in domestic and foreign domains to help students make informed choices in the future. In addition, Mr. Sanghi touched upon one of the important aspects of higher studies i.e. subject combinations with respect to one’s requirements and objectives. The event was concluded with a QNA round where students gave vent to their queries to which Mr. Sanghi answered satisfactorily.