Online workshops

Due to worldwide Pandemic situation caused by Covid-19 Virus spread there was a rise in psychological distress among people around the globe. Students especially among them found it difficult to adjust with the New Normal. To ensure their well-being online workshops and sessions were conducted on various topics related Mental health and Coping and Mastering Life Skills.
The aim is to provide kids and young people with a platform for genuine connection amid uncertainty, encouraging them to field their questions and concerns to the School Counsellor, generate mental health awareness among them, and strengthen their Resilience power to deal with the demands of situation. These webinars had been beneficial for integrated mental health and psychosocial interventions.
Among the various topics some were:
Class 2-4: Facing the Challenges of New Normal, Examination – An Adventure, Helping is Gaining, Fight Jealousy, Random Acts of Kindness, Strengthening Self, Etiquettes and Good Manners, etc.,
Class 5-7: Practicing Creative Thinking, Effective Communication Skills, Gratitude Journal, Building Creative Personality, Breaking Social Stereotype, Practice Being Selfless, etc.,
Class 8-10: Socially Distanced Not Emotionally, Cyber Bullying, Conflicting Emotions in Me, My Role in Social Arena, Success is the next step to Failure, Featuring Smart Self, etc.,
Class 11-12: Unknown Threats in Virtual World, There is Light beyond Darkness, Gender Role Stereotyping, Against Shaming, Career Café, Crisis Resolution, etc.,