Our Approach
Eulogizing the Eminence
Initiative marks the essence of a child’s personality. It formulates the perspective of a child who needs to exude poise and conviction. Stimulation has always been the prime medium that the school has believed in presenting its students with the intensity to reinforce their grit and endurance. The Bharat Scouts and Guides Organizations have been proudly associated with the school and have opened the unit of ‘Bulbuls’ in the school. Perceiving women empowerment as a prompt necessity for a glorious future, the school believes exhilarating the benefits of the girl child.
Learner Centric &Learning modalities:
We give students ample opportunity to explore their interests and cultivate unique strengths. We believe all children should have access to an exceptional, personalized education that enables them to live a happy and successful life. A combination of projects, real life exposure, audio-visual presentations, classroom teaching, experiential learning, community visits and brainstorming activities are used to make learning fun, exciting and interesting.
Interdisciplinary learning:
We believe students learn most effectively when they can understand the concepts and more importantly their implementation to the real world. Our goal is to enable students to make meaningful connections and foster curiosity about the world we live in. We encourage interdisciplinary learning and avoid artificial separation between subjects. Encouraging students to learn by doing, we promote a deeper level of understanding. Teaching may originate in the classroom, but will continue on trips throughout the community, at home and even on family vacations.
Challengers are culminated
Every year competitions such as – folk dance, solo dance, group song, solo song, drawing competition are held for the primary section students to instil creativity and help in maturing the talents in them. Department – wise competitions are also held like English recitation, Hindi recitation, Bengali recitation, Maths quiz, EVS quiz every year. This academic session, the school has hosted and organized a number of competitions and activities.